The Ann Arbor public bus system is excellent, and as a student at the University of Michigan you can ride it for free. Bring your ID and swipe it when you get on the bus, your trip is on the house. Check out the below link to help you plan your bus trip, and see what lines are available in the places you want to live. This link provides real time location data for every public bus operating in Ann Arbor.

"The Ride" Public Bus Ann Arbor


So now that we have covered a quick overview of the landscape of Ann Arbor, we should talk about how students actually get to campus. Some students choose to live close by and have a 10 minute walk or bike ride, others live a little further and use the excellent Ann Arbor bus system. Some choose to commute via car and have to search for parking. There is no free parking available on campus for students, so parking can be complicated. Commuters without a permit will need to park in the adjacent neighborhoods, which have a fair amount of congestion, and will sometimes have to search to find a parking spot. After 6PM daily, and on Sundays, paid street parking is suspended and the parking congestion gets lighter. After 5PM daily, and on Sundays, students can park in the Hill Parking structure that abuts the business school. The very confusing list of student parking guidelines can be found below:

University of Michigan Parking for Students


Additionally, the smartphone app named "Transit" seamlessly syncs Google Maps and bus route schedules for a number of major cities (including Ann Arbor), and can provide travel directions that involve moving between bus lines. It is very useful and also free, so check it out in the application store of your smartphone.

Transit - App Store

Transit - Google Play

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