OMBA Council Executive Board

Liu Ted

Jay Mehta

Roles & Responsibilities

Each Executive Board member is in charge of various initiatives in support of the OMBA community.


Set and drive the annual vision and maintain responsibility for overall operation of the OMBA Council.

Collaborate with the WMBA Council and MBA Council Presidents on joint events, as well as social and community service initiatives.

Interact with the Part-Time MBA Program Office on behalf of the OMBA Council and OMBA students.

Coordinate and communicate with officers to ensure the OMBA Council serves a cohesive mission to spread and enhance OMBA culture.

Set the agenda and facilitate over executive board meetings.

VP of Finance

Serve as the lead representative to Student Organization Accounts Services (SOAS).

File all necessary documentation with the SGA SOAS committee to ensure financing of OMBA Council events.

Arrange timely transfer of funds to OMBA suppliers, for both advances and post-payments, to support OMBA-sponsored events.

Maintain all accounting of OMBA finances.

Work with the PTMBA Managing Director to secure final approval on large budget items. Make expenditures with the advice, consent and approval of the OMBA Council officers.

Submit a fund request at the start of each semester for upcoming OMBA Council events.

Keep a record of all events and costs (e.g., receipts, submission forms).

VP of Career Development

Help OMBA students leverage the Career Development Office (CDO) and help the CDO understand how to best help OMBAs with internship and/or full-time recruiting needs.

Advertise internship and full-time opportunities not in Ross Recruit.

Collaborate with the WMBA VP of Career Development to organize career development events for PTMBA students.

VP of Ross Community

Help build tradition and OMBA culture.

Foster relationships and create systems with the PTMBA Program Office, Ross student clubs and faculty.

Identify opportunities for OMBAs to participate in Ross events and ensure OMBAs have equal access to Ross events and resources.

Collaborate with the WMBA and MBA Council VPs of Diversity & Inclusion and ensure the OMBA establishes a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

VP of Social

Organize, plan and execute OMBA social events, including both virtual and in-person events.

Build community so OMBAs are comfortable talking to one another, networking and asking for help.

Collaborate with the WMBA VP of Social and MBA Council VP of Clubs and Experience on joint social events.

VP of Marketing & Communications

Communicate relevant information to OMBAs and manage this communication via e-mails, Slack, etc.

Assemble an OMBA newsletter to be distributed bi-weekly to all members.

Work with the PTMBA Program Office on marketing-related needs, including but not limited to orientation, surveying OMBA students, etc.

Take and distribute OMBA Council Executive Board meeting notes.

Organize and maintain OMBA Council website(s) on University systems (e.g., Maize Pages, CampusGroups, etc.).

OMBA First-Year Representatives

Represent incoming Fall & Winter cohorts.

Communicate OMBA Council news and updates to respective cohorts.

Assist with succession planning for future iterations of the Executive Board.

Support OMBA Council efforts and initiatives.