TO 624
Strategic sourcing is the cross-functional process of critically analyzing how the organization can most effectively secure outside goods and services. This process is rooted in gaining a deep understanding of the overall value chain for the good of service of interest, and the business case behind a mutually beneficial and sustainable relationship between the buyer and supplier(s).
TO 560
This course examines how to design and manage environmentally and socially responsible operations and supply chains.
MKT 612
This course entails getting your product to the right consumers, is a fundamental aspect of any business. This course will expose you to real-world examples of how retailers, and e-tailers (electronic retailers), craft impactful strategies to deliver the optimal experience for the right customer at the right time, with special consideration on the challenges that retailers face as consumers move online.
MKT 603
This course covers the creation and leveraging of strong brands, for marketers, general managers, and consultants. For their term projects, student teams study a brand and strategies and tactics to make it stronger.
MKT 613
In this course we will directly examine the available theory and research concerning the behavior of the consumer, with the goal of understanding how marketing managers can use these ideas. This course focuses on the consumer as an individual.
MKT 601
This course focuses on the critical questions for any market-driven entity: which markets and customers to serve, what function to provide, and the means to achieve competitive advantage. These strategic marketing decisions often involve though, uncertain choices, and while long-term focused, they must be periodically revisited to sustain advantage or identify new opportunities.
EAS 524
Global food systems have dramatically altered biogeochemical cycles, contributing to climate change and eutrophication of waterways. Growing concern about agriculture's environmental impacts is increasing demand for citizens, scientists, and policymakers who have in-depth knowledge of more sustainable agroecosystem management approaches.
EAS 528
This course teaches about food systems through interdisciplinary, experiential learning and dialogue-based inquiry. In addition to learning how to bridge worldviews and apply systems thinking, students will study the unique perspectives of public health nutritionists involved in addressing complex food systems problems.
EAS 430
Soils as central components of terrestrial ecosystems. Major emphasis is placed on physical, chemical, and biological properties and their relationships to plant growth and ecosystem processes. Understanding is developed using a combination of lectures, field- and lab-based exercises, and individual research.
EAS 556
This course aims to build students' "equity competency" - the knowledge, skills and values needed to recognize and address historical and persistent structural inequities that pervade today's food systems.
EAS 553
In this multidisciplinary course, we will critically explore an intersecting literature on agroecology, biodiversity, ecosystem services, diversified farming systems, agroforestry, and farmer’s livelihoods.
EAS 501.009
The goal of this course is to develop an analysis of food, farm, land, and environmental cooperatives as anti-capitalist strategies and practical implementations of justice. The course will examine historical and current case studies of Black cooperative philosophy and practice and how they operate in grassroots movement settings.
EHS 672
This course describes how consumption, products and foods affect impacts on health and environment. After addressing the major health determinants, we assess diets nutritional and sustainable performances. We use LCA to analyze the environmental impact of products, with focus on chemicals in consumer products, discussing the path towards sustainable consumption.
NUTR 518
This course offers a unique opportunity for students to gain an interdisciplinary overview of crises and opportunities in today's food system through a weekly lecture series bringing high-profile speakers to campus from diverse sectors: academia, grassroots movements, public health, farming, and more.
NUTR 585
This course examines the principles of food systems management, defying and applying management theories and functions in food and nutrition settings. This course will cover cost control, methods that are specific to managing food service operations, including food waste and theft.
NUTR 593
This course is a critical exploration of the health issues related to domestic food security, food policy, and food programs, with a focus on maternal and child health. We will examine the array of negative health outcomes associated with food insecurity, discuss potential mechanisms underlying these associations, how food policy is made, the intersection of food policy with public health nutrition, and the influence of federal food assistance programs on diet-related outcomes for children and families.
NUTR 644
This course will explore the process of developing policies in low- and middle-income countries that are targeted at altering the nature and functioning of food systems. We will assess policy contexts, stakeholders' priorities, the translation of policies into programs, and the impacts of policies on nutrition and health outcomes.
NUTR 547
An examination of food composition and the chemical and physical changes that result from food processing, preparation and cooking. Discussion of foods as complex systems containing a wide variety of chemicals including nutrients, phytochemicals, functional ingredients, natural or transferred toxins and additives.