As part of our mission to be inclusive of all partners and students, host a ton of awesome events, and make sure we're communicating regularly with you and connecting you with one another, PCAR has developed a presence on multiple platforms, all of which we invite you to explore:
Website: Use this website for resources, contact information, and an up-to-date calendar of events.
Emails: We send event notifications and monthly newsletters to PCAR members and non-member contacts. If you are not yet a member of PCAR, but would like to receive event invites and other email communications, send an email to and we will add you to our distribution list.
PCAR Instagram: @PartnersClubatRoss is now on Instagram. Follow us for all of the fun and tag #rosspartners to have your pictures featured!
PAL Kids Closed Facebook Group: Request to join the PAL Kids Facebook Group if you want to stay up-to-date on family-friendly events and resources! Many PCAR Kids events are also open to Partners without children (and we can always use friendly babysitters and participants in our Take A Meal program!).